Monday, March 01, 2004

Face in the crowd

Another reality checkmate today.

Being featured on the New Paper, I know I am not a pseudo-celebrity.

Just another face in the crowd. I could either get defensive or just take it in stride.

Since the reviews were rather neutral, I shall take it as constructive comments.

After all what can you fully reflect a person you know with questions in 15 minutes and column space of barely 400 words.

C'mon. Everyone is not perfect both personality or looks wise.

I admit I have average looks. Or that among your group of friends, there is a "Benjamin" in the crowd. Yeah, so what can i do about it ? Visit the hospital and order new features to improve my looks or blame my parents DNA ?

I might not have the looks but at least I make do with what I have.

I take offence too to the recommendation that I would date "tortoises".

Well, you don't expect me to sleep with a date on the first few dates.

I recalled I said I would love to take things slow but not as slow until I get Alzheimer's Disease. C'mon. It takes time to know another individual fully and it might take more than just a few meetups definitely.

Maybe you like to get into their pants in 15 minutes if I can make assumptions to how you like a "hare-ried" date since you all so love making it.

- Benjamin

P.S. Do take a look at the Esplanade photos., courtesy of PixiePosh =)

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