Monday, March 29, 2004


When you like somebody, you can only hope they share the same feelings for you.

You see.

I like somebody. (hears gasp from your side of the computer)

They are not contestants of this competition. (hears chey! from your side of the computer)

But I got to know "her" from this competition. (sees some arched brows from your side of the computer)

For those inquisitive people who want to dig and uncover the truth. Well, there are only a handful who knows.

The person is a blog reader/fanatic/friend/colleague/neighbour/toilet auntie/coffeeshop workers.

It'll take a while for your private detective to find out who she is.

It is a matter of time when I'll reveal and when it's time, you people will know what have been troubling me for the past few days.

You see, this "gal" likes this "jerk". Tremendously.

Apparently, she has a penchant for guys that inflict emotional pain on her. She is simply magnetised by steel rods that whacks her straight on the face. It's just painful for me to just watch.

I wish I could give her comfort, show her warmth and shower her with what a nice guy I can be.

Readers, don't puke.

Even though I don't have the experience of being a boyfriend, I should be pretty decent enough. For her that is.

Maybe she'll stumble upon this article, maybe she'll see this as a public confession meant for her.

But one thing's for sure, she deserves better. Even if she doesn't like me, I just hope that she would just simply stop placing herself in compromising relationships that will only end up hurting her.

- Benjamin

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