Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Achievers Day

I was procrastinating on what happened on Saturday.

Loads of wonderful things happened.

I went to school to receive an award for topping a module. Just so you know, there were dozens of "achiever"s there too so I was like a face in the crowd as compared to the cream of the crop had numerous awards and vouchers from banks to get.

But the thing was, it was nice to see familiar faces after a two week abscene from my memory.

The lecturers and especially my good ol coursemates which never fail to bring a smile to my face.

We took gazillions (okay fine, around 30 photos but i like that term) of pictures just elated after the event is over.

For the next 2 more months, we will be seperated by the numerous tasks of an intern of taking coffee orders and filing documents dated past 1988. I exaggerate.

It is like the last few chapters of the book, you know it is about to end, where the evil person is slained or put to jail bringing about a happy ending.

It's just lovely how things wrap up the way you see it, the fading months of my final poly life.

"Whacked by a trout on my head"

As I was saying, I have pictures. Achievers Day Photos

After the school function, I met up with the rest of the dreamd8s for the video shoot for TV mobile.

Yes you can find my skunk face now available on all buses with brainwash boxes.

Just to rehash some of the funny moments when I was being interviewed:-

When filming was about to start, they had to adjust my postion, the lighting, the camera positioning and check for reflection or stuff like that.

So, as I sat nicely in the camera frame, HostSara asked me to adjust my seating.

HostSara:" Ben, are you comfortable with your postion?"
Me: "Actually no. (Shift my legs). Better now."
HostSara: " So, you're okay now. Don't move too much when we film you."
Me: "What if I have hand gestures or I might jerk a bit to the side?"
HostSara: "How much do you want to jerk then ?"
Me: (Stunned)
Cameracrew: (Resisted laughing)

For those dirty foul minded people, I'm sure that was funny. For those angelic fellas, time for you to brush up on the world.

Another dumb moment from me:

HostSara: "How's your love life now currently?"
Me: "My love life currently is like .......... (had to think for a minute)
Me: "It's like the fish market, rather stale."
HostSara: (Interrupts)"Fish market sells fresh fish leh."
Me: "Yah hor, lemme think again."
Me: "My love life currently is like .......... (had to think for another minute)
Me: "Newater ....... it's bland and tasteless and ...."
HostSara and Cameracrew: (Cuts me off)

All and all, I think I injected much humour of myself that reflected me on the TVmobile trailer.

If anybody sees it, please do tell me how much of a dumb joker that I look.

Peace out,

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