Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Beggars can't be choosers

I think many have heard this phrase many a time.

We liken ourselves as beggars who can't be picky. But choice has always been one for us to decide.

Like whether we can choose to study hard and make an effort to score straight A's to graduate with honours or choose to just make it big out there without the academic paper mumbo jumbo.

Choices have always confounded our decision making process, as we weigh the consequences or we sometimes just heck care and make a decision.

Were there any choices I regret making in the past? Definitely.

But they were mine to make, because I chose this route, this decision, this way.

I have to bear all the consequences of my choices whatever they may be.

For the slightest hint that you went out to shoplift and are convicted as a felon, that was a choice you made to make yourself look like the scum of the shopping centre when you are arrested and publicly humiliated. That was a choice you made.

For the slightest moment that you contemplated joining a beauty contest and you will roughly gather all the human politics from it, then stop whining and complaining about all the drama that you suffered. That was a choice you make.

Whatever choices one makes, it's their consequences to bear. We can whine, we can complain, we can lament but one cannot forget who took the initiative to make that final decision of a choice.

My choice to forgive or forget, look ahead or lag behind and be deluded or more informed, it was mine to make.

It is a choice for people to judge your choice, for people to voice against your choice, for people to lambaste whether your choice was right or wrong, it is a choice when you chose to stand out.

That's the power of choice. People make choices and it might not be agreeable with the choice you made of starting up a new business or buying a new furniture piece for the house.

If everybody knew the calculated risk of every choice that was made, it isn't a choice anymore but a practical, wise and logical move. That's why every choice is a "make or break", because you never know what one choice can change your entire life.

If you knew the risk, the consequence and the outcome of your choice, you accept the fate of your decision. You don't need to be a beggar when you have no choice that's because the choices you made were clearly logical but you just had to twist it.

Beggars didn't had a choice to begin with unlike some people.

Crumpled with loads of choices,

P.S. I had a choice of which industry I wanted to work for, wise or not, I hope it is a good choice.

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