Saturday, June 19, 2004

Shoppy Shopper

The entire afternoon was spent splurging on the decadence of shopping.

At the expense of my brother's credit card of course.

Ignore the fact that I DID spare a thought but since I haven't been out in the malls for the like what, 3 MONTHS?, my sis-in-law scour shops after shops.

Pauline (my sis-in-law) almost bought every item she laid her hands on, but for those that escape her grasp, she finds it icky, eew or just plain tacky. She has a refined sense of taste, an odd one may I add.

I'm a more discerning shopper. Discounts don't deter me from my goals, I know what I want and stay eagle-eyed until I swoop down to the rack and grab that hanger and thrush it to the changing room. For those that escape my grasp, I find it expensive, expensive or just plain too expensive (note: no discount).

I'm satisfied with my less than zealous purchases, I have successfully complete a shopping tour without an impulse buy, even though Pauline encouraged me to "take, just take, don't worry".

Not that I have to worry, I worry more for my brother and her, since they have an impending wedding bill to foot with 60 tables and more at some posh 5-star hotel, I would say that would amount to more than $50,000.

Hence, I try not to overload them with any extraneous debts aka my shopping indulgence.

Also, I have a horrible discovery, I am officially a "black hole". My account are left with 3 digits, including a decimal point after the first digit. I'm simply incorrigible.

Anyway, I swam past Adidas, Sportslink, Metro, Isetan, Samuel & Kevin, Royal Sporting House, Timberland, U2, G2000 and Starbucks. Save for a Strawberries n Cream Frapuccino Blended Cream (It tastes heavenly and fattening), I've avoided all the cashiers except one.

I got some good bargains from one new store at Tampines, called Fox Men and it's from Israel. Not that they were priced too cheap but the designs were my cup of tea (Although my best friend begs to differ).

Back home on a Saturday evening, blog about my typical shopaholic day and watching series episodes of Smallville and The OC. What more can a guy want?

A girlfriend? Nah.........

Note the freedom I'll get, I'll have to face less opinions on decision making process, especially during shopping =)

Shopaholic ahoy!

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