There are some days which you find yourself rather chirpy and looking forward to work.
Rather ironic for a Monday.
I think the matter of the issue lies that by the end of this week, I would have officially finish my 1st month of hard labour lugging around Client's balls and will get a pay check to substiante around all that "support".
I haven't really put much thought into how I should spend it, only just a few shortlisted items like contact lenses, glasses, a universal long-lasting jeans and a CD player.
I'm sure I can do much more. I just do not want to waste the eventful Great Singapore Sale month of June.
Speaking of which, I think I'm going to adopt a new policy like all kiasu Singaporeans. Stock pile all the neccessary items like toiletries and household goodies during this sale period form Watsons, Cold Storage and what-have-you.
It's such a steal with some costs reduction like 40% or even more, I'm so tempted to get it to last till more than next year. (i.e. The Body Shop - Oceanus shower foam, 67% off !!! and I got meself 1)
Then again, I'm looking forward to the paycheck. I just need to survive a relatively slow week since my client has a stack of quotations to approve before we can proceed and he/she will probably bargaining for lesser costs or ask ME to justify why this/that.
Lots of saliva is gonna be wasted again.
This made me realize one issue.
To achieve something, people always lose focus and execute redundant stuff like talking unneccessarily and going around the loop. Life would be so much simpler if people just come straight to the point.
For example, instead of "Why is the colour separation so costly?", just be direct and say "Why is it so bloody fucking expensive?".
My reply instead of "Well, we use a good external third party which we trust which can provide us with quality proofs instead of run-of-the-mill quality" to "Well, it is so bloody fucking expensive because we only use premium external third parties to accomplish your tasks or else you will nag like my mother and say this and that and don't want to pay so we charge high high so that you can bargain a bit and we will still earn some measly amount to verify my worthless existence"
"end of rant for a perfectly slow sweet Monday"
In other words, if you want cheap, expect lower standards. It all boils down to money and time. Just like life.
You only have roughly an average of 70 years to live where you will slogging your ass off like a horse for 35 years just to have enough money to survive your lifetime. Simple as that.
In the meanwhile, I will be conjuring up a simple equation like E=mc(2), but instead for relativity, the equation is for life.
Something like this:
"Quality of life = (Time)^3 x (Average of PSLE, "O", "A" Levels") + (No. of future children) / (Usage of CPF) + (Ugliness of wife/Usefulness of wife) - [(Penis size^no. of sexual partners you have) x pie(income level for the first 5 years of your pathethic working life)] - (Cost of placing parents in foster care/ maid care)"
My life is just so full of crap and numbers.
Your mathematician,