Monday, January 12, 2004


I have not been blogging for the past 4 days because of one reason.

A revamp of my room. Although I did my spring cleaning on the 2nd day of the year, these last few days were what you would deem more "intense". For the past 6 years since my secondary school, junk has been accumulating in my humble abode room and with a clean swipe, everything has been deleted in the recycled bin and voila, my room has a new layout with a brand new scrubbing of the parquet floor. Everything is sorted, neatly packed and I know what every single cupboard is lying.

To tell you the truth, it hasn't been easy these past few days. Old memories jog back as I sift through the materials that I once used to covet. Old photos, postcards, little trinkets that I collected just had to go to the dump. It held no more further meaning in the present and I guess that is life, it's practical.

You don't like your marriage, you get a divorce.
You don't like your car, get a new one.
You don't like your life, kill yourself and get reincarnated.

Practicality is the essence of adult life. The antonymn of practicality is when you are having fun. Practical is defined as something that adds value to the action that you undertake and most of the time, practicallity is devoid of any joy.

To have a clean spartan room that does not accumulate bacteria overtime, I had to get rid off the stuff toys, memorabilia and postcards as they are not practical anymore. I live for the now and look ahead for the future. The past, is all just a memory. Boy am I jaded.

I did my new year shopping early when I got the shocking news of a thorough spring cleaning of cleaning out the skeletons of my wardrobe

The termites did a clean job

Can u see me hiding under those cushion covers?

I slept on and with my books that night

I'm sure everyone is pretty interested to know what my room looks like now. Frankly, I love the whole new layout. My mom says I can open a clothing shop and I personally feel that my rooms looks like an office at Temasek holdings as I live on the 12th floor and as I type this blog, I can glance at the far distance of the horizon of never ending HDB flats.

On an interesting note, the course video that I am directing is nearing completion. I stared at the Mac for a total of 5 consecutive hours and the Mac screwed up only once (thank god!). I'm hoping the client (my director aka principal) doesn't get too nasty and nit pick all the errors.

On a sick note however, never drink banana juice after you eat black pepper udon if you don't like the sight of yellow pellets.

And now, I bring you the new look of Benjamin's room ....

I'm going to sue you if you nit pick on my bobdog blankie

The next warehouse sale location

The chairman was hiding under his bobdog blankie

This is a pretty long post, to make up for my abscene of heaving dust, discarding trash, smelling like a feather duster and chasing lizards. I feel like a new man now with my new room with the odd smell of freshly lacquered parquet.

- Benjamin

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