Friday, January 16, 2004


It was suppose to be a rest day for a Friday.

Turns out I was packed to the brim. Not that I loathe it or am whining about it now, but I do think it is time for me to breathe among the midst of continuous action all the way from last july where I was packed with projects semester to final year project.

Firstly, i lugged the digital video camera in a big shiny sony box back to digital media studio before 9 am and the rush hour crowd was starring at me like I was some bomb-totting terrorist wannabe. After unloading, I had to rush to a press conference where I was covering for my school newspaper about an initiative by Singapore Recreation Club, the one next to the padang, which is starting a scheme to harness SP athletes to better polish their potential.

During this press conference, i met the Fox herself. Chery Fox from CNA, in person, she is as gorgeous and well-mannered as she is on tv. I just admired her from a distance but I was wondering what she was doing in the midst of a mini press conference with little news value in my own opinion.

Nevertheless, i was the photojournalist where I juggled with a digital camera and a notepad, scribbling down important details. Had lunch there and I got my first taste of escargot (hope i spelled it correctly). The snails taste rather okay though, not as icky as I expected but I found out that I loved a great appetizer.

First, use Ritz cracker as the base and then a slice of hardboiled eggs and top it up with those orange fish roes you find in sushis with a touch of mayo and a hint of lightly cut garnishing. It was A-delicious.

Rushed back to school to report back to my editors and return the camera they passed to me and had lunch over at the Staff centre. The food sucks. Sorry to say, but their speciality listed there which was Gyudon which I tried and had difficulty swallowing and since my editors were there I had to gulped it all up, with relutance.

Discussed about the polytechnic events going on and my slight hint of learning of photography. Note to myself: photography needs to be learned as it is an additional skill if I decide to major in journalism. Also note, the entry level camera is $1,700 which I can never afford. Last note, unless i strike lottery, buy it, in which case, never, because i don't buy lottery.

My day was not over yet. I headed over to the digital media studio and edited children voiceovers for the course video for approximately an hour before heading over to ESDD side to pass them the finished work. I had originally planned for my day to go for the press conference and then head to the library but looked what happened in between. To round it up, I went to the library because I needed to write a cover letter and borrowed more books on how to write the most employer-friendly resume and cirrculum vitae before finally walking home with my satisfied eventful day.

I love my life. All i need now is someone to share it with. Sigh.

- Benjamin

P.S. One blog reader of mine whom i didn't know until today, a dmc junior of mine, Siang Yew aka King, greeted me with my blog name out of nowhere. Was in a rush to return the camera, so if u see this, leave a comment or two.

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