Thursday, January 15, 2004


Every human being is narcissitic.

The pope, the karang guni man and even yourself.

I read from research that the average man (and woman) will look in the mirror at least 8 times a day. No jokes about it.

People are self conscious on how they look to people and that is why people are trying to be "fashionable".


\Fash"ion*a*ble\, a. 1. Conforming to the fashion or established mode; according with the prevailing form or style; as, a fashionable dress.

Style is set by people who claim what should be "in" and what is "uncool".

Therefore, people go for platform shoes in 1996 and bubble tea in 1999. A hype created by one, will pass on like a plaque to the other. Therefore, in order to reassure other people that you blend into the mold of society, individuals try to look "fashionable".

There are some people out there who are trying to make a statement by being bold, outrageous, unconformist. In the end, all they are trying to do is set their own style, impose images of "fashion" sense into people they interact.

I won't deny that i'm not a narcissist. I am. I love myself and I do not see anything wrong in that. I know i am not anywhere near perfection. Neither gorgeous or cute, I believe in the right to exalt in confidence with whatever that is given to me be it physical apperance or financial status.

At the end of the day, who are you trying to prove? Subconsciously, we always want to prove to our friends we are better than them, placing ourselves in better light so as to edge ourselves into better position. I guess it is inside us human DNA for us trying to outperform one another.

I'm not trying to be inspirational but everyone has their own set of style, sense and values. In the end, I hope everyone is trying to prove to only one person. Their own self that they can choose whatever they want to be and not get suppressed by what other people say.

I somehow can't seem to do that as I prefer to be with the flow. Understatement would my philosophy as it would do no benefit for me to be a Japanese punk to distinguis myself as the fashionable crowd.

I just want to be me. However, narcissitic i get. I deserve the right to do so. So do you.

- Benjamin

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