Sunday, July 04, 2004


In this day and age when nobody ever knows what they want, how are we then certain that we lead our life to fulfillment.

As the world advances and knowledge empowers all, choice is an option to those who are free willed and enabled.

Lately, I wondered and pondered over how should I lead the remaining part of my life.

Some people lead their life with blind faith, an obsession to a cause like a pastor or an artist.

Some people lead their life not knowing what they want at all, an oblivion to what is at stake and confusion abound.

For the majority of us, I feel, is that we are all in between the above 2.

We think we know what we want from the choices we have made but we reminiscence to what could have been.

My best friend is in a conundrum. He's liked by 3 gals but he's held back by the very one gal he truly likes. He is in a phase of choice of whether he should compromise or look ahead.

For me, I wonder how my life would drastically change when I'm attached. How I would be "sacrificial" and be "understanding" to my partner.

I wonder if I would be able to do that. Because I would then be easily find myself in a relationship and compromise my own values, which eventually leads to an internal argument with my brain and my heart.

Because as it is, I'm an obnoxious fella who thinks for himself for the moment.

That said, bachelorhood rules. You only need to answer to yourself. Period.

You bum. You laze and you answer to your aching stomach and your lungs desire to inhale deep breaths of oxygen.

If I'm meant to be single, so be it. Maybe one day, I would wake up in cold sweat to find out what the entire reality it is like to be single in an old folks home 40 years down the road.

For the moment, at least this is what I know what I want now.

Being single and carefree with the occassional skirt chasing.

How about you ?

Have you ever spared a thought about yourself lately ?

Selfish swinging bachelor,

P.S. I think it's impossible to achieve my target (refer to last post) as she is totally oblivious to my advances. Then again, I need to improve on how to pick up gals.

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