Monday, July 12, 2004


Had a great but tiring weekend bringing Cam n Liz around.

They are a hoot I tell you. K, I gotta be brief, I'm gotta go teach tuition soon.

I don't earn any $ from it anyway if you wanna know.

A countdown of 5 more days, it's vacation week for me as I slowly pass all my stuff over to my colleague so I'm relatively work free.

However, I was busy flying around the office the entire afternoon producing FAs & mockups for client.

Ah, the simple life. 1 month of slothing around before Army arrives.

I can't wait to talk about ghost stories, see my shaved scalp, run around in the mud and stepping on landmines.

Woo hoo!

War veteran wannabe,

P.S. The first person that does a screenshot of the counter reaching 7,777 will win a secret prize from me. A landmine perhaps.

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