Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Down with Flu

Why am I sick? I seriously question myself.

For the past 3 years in poly, I've only have 1 Medical Certificate to take from the doctor but 2004 is like the year of the damned sick benjamin with a wheezing nose.

Cough virus, throat inflammation and flu bug are frequent visitors to my apparent weak frail immune system.

Why me ?

I'm down with flu, a record of being sick for 4 times already by July.

I hate being sick.

Usually, I brush it off or just pop a panadol and I'm miracle-ly cured.

Now, I have a membership card for Raffles Medical Centre and the receptionist knows me by my first name & what I would like to eat for dinner.

That is not a good thing. At all.

Wrapped under blankets of sinus-filled tissues,

P.S. Listening to Ordinary by Train from Spiderman 2 soundtrack repeatedly. The harsh acoustics are kinda soothing for my trouble sunburned leaking sinus-dripping faucet.

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