Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Shrunken !

It only came to my realization today at the mirror of what I have become.

Yes, Ladies and Gentleman, I've shrunk myself.

Yes, after training in the wilds and training for IPPT, I'm close to what you would liken what you spit out after chewing your chicken wings.

On Monday when I went for a medical check-up, my fats composition was 'Normal' but my skeletal frame could use some 'muscle'.

Ideal weight for my height ?

I need 10 more Kilograms.

I need to be 68kg. Well I used to be that WEIGHT before I entered 3 months of hell.

Needless to say, I'm rather horrified.

Not from the fact that I need 10 kg to be considered 'ideal' but as I looked into the mirror today just trying to be a narcissitic arse before I zoomed out of the home, I notice one discerning fact.

My t-shirt was too BIG for me.

My sleeves covered my elbows and my collar is practically droopy. I was flabbergasted.

I'm now a 'Small'.

If I was a woman, I would be heaving my breasts for joy. But I ain't menstrual so I don't think any GUY would be gleeful with a downsize.

I'm no more a 'Medium'.

I need to get fat. Like real fat. Becoz 90% of my brain (not fats) says I'll end up in Sispec and most prob, I will get to look like one of the poster child for some Africa starvation programmes.

In need of help (mass),

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