Wednesday, December 08, 2004

My right to voice

It's a little unnerving to know that people you know know even more about you through reading your blog.

One of my Army buddy, Ivana (not his real name) stumbled onto my blog thru another blog.

Assuming I didn't know, he would then pass the hyperlink to Alexis (note all names from now on are changed to protect their real identity).

What if Alexis tells my buddy? I-Sprained-My-Ankle-And-I-Can't-Go-To-The-Window-To-Take-My-Own-Shirt-But-Can-Do-IPPT-Idiot.

Frankly, I fuck care if anybody I offended in this blog reads it and know that I'm talking such bad stuff about them.

I for one have an opinion and I can voice it in any given channels I have. It is up to the discerning reader to comprehend what I say is bias or just plain BULLSHIT.

BTW, I did not write this because Ivana saw my blog and told me about it but it just occured to me.

What if? What if people I offended read my blog and says "Hey, that's me my fren/buddy/stranger is talking about."

I think my only curt and honest reply would be if I saw my name or something written about me would be "Everyone's entitled to their own opinion."

Unless what I see written about me is drastically biased to the opinion of absurdness along the line like "Benjamin trims his armpit hair with a parang" or "Benjamin is going to be the next president", I would then violently object.

But in any case, any form of feedback to the writer would still be futile. It will just end up like a childish catfight of words with two different viewpoints.

All that said and done, I have this to say to Ivana.

"You can have your bloody tree. Don't fuck me because you mistakenly took my tree."(Private joke...)

Mr Cork to Mr Mork,

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