Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Gym Shagged

Today was my virgin trip to the gym.

Vernon brought me around to the various machines and I got a taste of a few banging of the heavy weights.

Calves, triceps and everywhere you think possible is sore or strained.

Except for me crown jewels of course.

I always had a fear of gym because I always had the perception that I'll get sneered upon by the gym rats for intrusion of territory.

Just so you know, I was sneered (or imagined myself being sneered) at but lucky Vernon was there to show me the ropes and machines that can castrate your balls off.

I'll definintely return to the gym, when as needed to be fit be it after NS or I need a release.

"Whack your head with a dumbell if you had another meaning for the word 'release'."

Anyway, after that, met up with Gwenne n Clara who were bored to tears from their slacker lives.

Eventually they ended up at my house hounding the xbox and watching Singapore Idol.

We had loads of fun criticizing the judges and mimicing Ken, the bespectacled judge.

Me looking like Ken.

"With specs on nose ridge and fingers adjusting it to fall off his nose, the words uttered are:

"Are you sure you are 16?"

followed by a lecherous grin and a mark on the list on who to call on lonely nights."

Lol. I know it is mean to tease the judges and the contestants but we need jibs in life to make us smile.

I'm trying to organize the last few days of meet-up with close friends.

I know it sounds like I'm dying from some unknown Egyptian curse or being detained in Jail under the conspicuous eyes of the Internal Security Act but hey, 3 weeks ain't a small matter of time u know.

But I guess I need to rest my aching shoulders. I didn't manage an evening jog today as I kinda sprained my ankle.

And I hope to go for graduation on the 19th of Auggie.

Gym stinko,

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