Thursday, August 05, 2004

Bored to tears

It's terrible being a procrastinator.

In less than 2 weeks time, I'm entering "how to be a man" phase.

And lately, I'm damn bored. Bored till I can wake up and stare in the blank air for 10 mintes before realizing how late it is. (btw, it was 11.30 am)

The good thing of being a bummer is the philosophy of own time own planning own pleasure.

But to those who know me, I'm NOT a bummer.

I always find something to do, somewhere to go, someone to kill with my sacarsm.

The agenda reflected on my filofax has been dull. The days before I enter army are filled with rather empty gaps of just numerical dates.

As relaxed as a person should be with some much time to juggle and nothing of importance to do, I'm NOT.

I'm B O R E D. With all the alphabets capitalized.

Television is boring. All episodes of Alias, Friends, Sex and the City, Smallville and the OC have been downloaded and watch. Reality shows have also reached an anti-climatic reaction from me.

Movies, swimming and shopping, those stuff are "been there, done that". Singapore can be rather boring when the aforementioned items are done in moderation.

Friends. Sigh. The most depressing part is that MOST of them have either flown off to some obscure university to study, barracided themselves inside the army barracks or muddled their hands with shitloads of work.

And I hate the remaining friends who cancel or postpone last minute appointments.

It's like you told your mum you are coming home for dinner but she decided you deserve not to have your grub.

With no social activity or friends to call when needed, that makes it a simple equation of the formula:

Ben = Bored = Thinking of how to build a time machine or tempted to call those 1900 lines on The New Paper

Thus, I have resorted to entertain myself.

My xbox have been churning electricity non-stop to feed my endless hunger for entertainment till I decided that enough 3-D is enough.

After procrastinating for so long, I have then begun to start training for my runs. And it seems I can't seem to keep up as I decrease to jaunty walks after a long distance run.

I must be getting old.

But at least, I'm prepping myself for army.

Tsk tsk, too late you say but hey, at least last minute harried preparation counts for some mileage.

I'm just trying to comfort myself. Patronise me.

So in a matter of days before hell, this will be my following agenda:

~ Pack my room which has been messy of late
~ Keep doing runs
~ Finalize army stuff and purchase all that is needed
~ Purchase Spiderman 2 soundtrack
~ Read finish "How to be your own stockbroker"*
~ Return all library books on time
~ Write a few feature articles for my school newspaper*
~ Complete the entire "Sudeki" rpg
~ Find a girlfriend*

All items are ranked according to importance.

Items marked with an asterik need not be achieved.

Oh, before I end of, lately, I have been encountering couples and friends talking about their lovelife. Their conversations and lovey dovey sweety talk has made me yearn for something I don't have.

A relationship.

= (

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