Before I blog further, I just wanna say I'm a bit tipsy from a few drinks after Centro so I'm typing this in a stupor......
It's already like 3 am but was there since 9pm bah when the queue started forming.
Got to see the fireworks display while in the queue and the free tixs from tiffy becoz she is one of the show hair model.
By the way, Tiffy's hair was very nice. I like. She should wear bikini haha to model haha.
Eva called me along so I decided to go lor since I never go clubbing and I'm gonna lose my crowning glory soon so I dress a bit spiffy go dance dance shiok shiok enjoy.
All I know was that in the early hours before midnight, I was like wallpaper.
I was like the bag depot and table guarder as the girls go havoc the floor abit.
By then, I haven't drunk much except my complimentary vodka sprite and hip hop is like bleah.
I don't even have a hip hop mp3 on my laptop lor.
Then, jugs came in , we share the costs and then started taking sips.
I still think I was sober then but I have yet to visit the happening dance floor.
Oh by the way, it's my first time to Centro and the gals say that Sunday night is suppose to be Gay and Lesbian night but becoz of the event, the musik was hip hop.
But there were plently of gays and lesbians around but also got a lot of girls wor~~~
Some attached but some hang about in groups. I likesh = ]
I shall save my views about homosexuality for another when I'm more refreshed.
I digress, so there I was, being a bag & table guardian and someone from the table bought shots.
So i drank 2 shots and not that I got hyper lah but I got a bit high.
I say a bit hor. Not a lot.
I think my alcohol intake is okay just that maybe becoz I feel like liberating myself before 2 years of imprisonment, I decide to take to the dance floor.
So dance I did. Just so u know, Mr Ben is a Fido Dido. Ask Wen Jun.
If you don't know what is a Fido Dido, please refer to my quiktionary on the right links >>>
Okay anyway, I dance and dance.
Normally, at Zouk I dance about 20 mins then I stop liao but I kept going.
The gals stop and came back and dance again.
By the way, 6 gals were with me. Yan Wen, Eva, Yan Wen's cousin, Eva's childhood buddy, Yan Wen's cousin friend.
Don't ask me their names. They are in my hp.
So yah, I was dancing. And I think the spirits got to me.
So I guess I dance non stop for more than an hour bah because my thighs were getting cramps like after you had a long jog.
The thing is, I don't dance to hip hop music but the beats and the acoustics is just too good.
I was from a school band and I like the bass music beats.
And the variation how the deejay played it was pretty varied and just got to my head.
I think if any club got hip hop night, I will go fersure.
So around 245am, the gals got tired of the musik becoz the dj was pretty standard only.
Being a newbie, I felt the dj could be better but this is my first time listening to hip hop intensively. Maybe I got influence by the gals.
Anyway, we decided to disperse as the gals seem shacked and not that hungry.
I was contemplating going to dance alone but nada.
I remembering dancing alone on the floor without my gal buddies for like 20 mins.
Felt so lonely but didn't feel it becoz I was grooving. haha. The gals left me high n dry.
All said and done, I wanted to blog this immediately coz I think this has been a great night for me.
So much better than Zouk. Centro got more dance space and breathing space.
And the seats are so plushy. Must go again next time.
And I think I'm able to write so legibly because I edited a few times hor, but I was talking garblah to vernon and gwenne on msn.
Oh, I got new haircut too. Lemme take photos.
Okay I got blinded by my flashes. Uploading them now....
My new haircut !
Shots not well taken, lighting very bad, but I like how it was styled today = )
Oh also, before I went to Centro, I had a feel good day. Well tell you tmr!
I'm getting a bit hazy liao, better go lie down now.
P.S. My contact lens never felt so comfortable in my entire existence. I never even used a single eyedrop !