Monday, April 03, 2006

Attack U!

Once again.

The Mom Chronicles.

Place: Monday Night.
Time: After dinner
Me: On the bed with my lappie chatting on MSN.

(Mum barges into the room, holding the latest New Paper)

Mum: Ben ah, see ah. Everytime go club club club. See. Got people get attacked.
Me: (Oblivious to the finger at the cover page) Orh.
Mum: Then you still go there and drink.
Me: Aiya, I know how to take care of myself la.
Mum: Third time got attack. U better don't go.
Me: (Getting irritated) I know la.
Mum: (Gets the idea and getting out of my room soon)

(Whacks me lightly with the newspaper at my feet.)

Me: See. Stay at home lagi get attacked.
Mum: (Giggles and heads to the living room to indulge on perverse news about celebrities pregnancies and maid murders)

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