Saturday, February 11, 2006


Third time I'm blogging this.

Blogger has crashed on me 3 times.

I'm ultimate sianzness.

Finished with FO challenge.

32km route march with navigation exercises and test stations to clear.

I now have blisters, aching feet and sore calves for proof.

I so don't have enough rest.

And Monday I need to go over to another camp for 5 whole days.

For some planning and outfield exercise.

Another low for me.

I thought coming back from overseas and my battalion would be like lull.

Guess not.

I have like so much more things to do.

And I just want to improve my fitness and look good physically.

Looks like an impossible dream to achieve when I'm in the army.

I just feel damn low.

I just feel like I am so occupied. Feels like in OCS again.

If some ppl dont CHAO KENG and not become an ARSEHOLE, maybe then, my life wont be that tough.


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