Thursday, October 06, 2005


The medication took effect and I'm feeling better.

Much better.

Apparently, I think I somehow cut my eye so there is like a small 'cut' in my eyes.

My cough however has gotten worse and the remedy?

I'm gonna go to the DOCTOR.

Yes, I've decided to take the advice of many to finally go to the sage of many awful medication.

Tomorrow that is.

When it is my off day.

I didn't want to skip my Operator Maintenance course so I could nurse my illnesses.

Didn't reflect well to the unit if I had not attained such a simple course even though it might seem meaningless.


Since my mood has kind of perked up even though I'm a lil lethargic, I shall be nice and put up some pics.

Oh, I forgot to add that I've been working with some incompetent people who so conveniently assumed stuff was already done and it had to be ME to do some HARD PRESS QUESTIONING before I knew the assumed was the mother of all fuck ups.

Apparently, it was thought that the VIPs for the Commissioning Ball was already invited and paid up.

When in reality, all it took was thru one phone call of clarification that the above mentioned task wasn't DONE at ALL.


If you said you will do the task, DO IT. Double check if it's done.

I snarl at incompetency.

Thank god the meet up with the emcee was great, seems like he settled down a lot of our knotted questions that were dying to be answered.

Well, as promised.

Photos & Commentary from my commissioning parade n the Monday after that.

I felt the parade when well except for an obvious flaw where the person standing in my front rank dropped his handguard.

Major hoo hah.

Other than then, comments from Mdm Helen that the Artillery contingent was very well synchronized and we all berhenti with one sound unlike the rest.

So yah. Think it went pretty smoothly. Could be better though.

May I present to ya....

Marching out in style

The joys of FINALLY throwing the peak camp - Undescribable joy

Family Pic

Me n Grandpa

Me n Best Fren

Me n Gwen

Me n MeiFen

Ivan came too but he took the photos with my Grandpa's camera and my Grandpa has yet to send me those pics.

By the way, my grandpa is reaching 90 and he's still learning. He's becoming an IT whiz and very into photography

He was holding to a Digital SLR camera for my parade.

I have a very trendy Grandad.

Damn scary. I heard he got like 400 over photos of the parade. Can't wait for him to burn those photos to me.

After the parade ....

We had dining-in where it was a formal setting Chinese style.

Food standard was like 1/5.

Me n Mdm Helen, Dy Course Commander n was the table Host

Chatted loads with her.

She blabbered something like Benjamin was so quiet until I open my big mouth and I shocked her. Something along that line.

Oh she also shocked me at the start of the dinner.

Mdm Helen: Oh yah, Benjamin, I forgot to tell you something.
Me: What is it, Mdm?
Mdm: Your posting has changed.
Mdm: You're .... (everything seem incoherent after that)
Me: What?
Me: What?
Me: What?

It finally went thru that I was posted as a unit FO and that I was the only change in posting.

Then this week, there were even more shocking postings.

At least I wasn't the only one who got these free handouts of heart attacks.

I wanted to be an instructor so bad that I already prepped myself mentally on what to teach, how to teach and planned what I wanted to do.

Oh well, plans changed and I couldn't eat much during the meal.

Too shocked and bewildered but nevertheless, accepting of whatever was thrown to me.

Just a lil upset I wasn't gonna be an instructor alongside Louis n Terence.

Mommy dearest

Daddy the pillar

Alex, BMT buddy in ADA. Ironically, we're in "Artillery" lol

All the 2LTs instructors with Louis. Very blur.

With 2LT "I'm so gonna select you to 20SA but didn't end up going" Jason

With FO instructors

And a parting shot of that day .....


Monday morning, had post admin of de-kitting.

Felt damn weird donning something else than the 3 black bars.

Here I am with some pals at MacDonalds:

Me n Alvin Pek

Me n Zwee (Mr Starve-a-lot)

Going bonkers with John

Terence poking fun at my tooth

Admiring our ranks in very different ways

And if one wonders how we got dengue ......

I "siam" far far away from this monstrous insect

Now, it's time to look ahead.

Monday is a brand new pathway for me to travel. I need to recover by then.

Get yourself soon u arse,

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