Saturday, March 19, 2005


I find it peculiar how I lead my current lifestyle.

I'm a monochronatic obeying neat soldier by weekday and a ruffled-up straggler washed-up bedfellow by weekend.

It's like living in 2 extreme spectrums.

I seriously wonder how I do it.

My army bunk is kept in utmost pristine manner where dust cease to exist but my room is piled up with junk food, novels stacked anoynomously and random trinkets rattled everywhere from desk to floor.

Neat freak : Sloppy Hobo

Weird I tell ya, the days of my life.

Okay, I'm gonna whip my skinny arse back into shape and make my room more, um, like a room.

Gonna head out for a tan later with Gwen, not that I need to look any darker than now.

Life's full of irony,

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