Wednesday, January 21, 2009

life's updates

so how has life been for me.

It's been good so far.

Been keeping myself really occupied. Feeling a bad I'm not spending as much time with my family as I should.

Will make that as a resolution and bring them out go makan of sorts.

Managed to get a IPPT silver, really excited since I haven't revisited IPPT since army days. At least I can still remember to jump SBJ, hehe.

Work wise everything is fine and dandy, I'm working doubly hard to churn out what I need to do. On that aspect, I think I deserve some self kudos.

Lots of exciting stuff happening in the first half of this year.

Can't wait to see how it all pans out.

As the year of the Ox approaches, I wait with abated breath the challenges coming up over the corner.

Spring cleaning ahead for CNY and I'm a little reluctant to clean up the last wardrobe. New furniture's coming in. Weeee~

Gambling season is here.

As January ends, I will be a bit sad. And I will persevere and work matters through.

Cross my fingers


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