Wednesday, July 30, 2008

the next day

Letting the mind awashed with work and gym is pretty much a good distraction.

I saw down at my desk. And listed out 3 goals on my note book.

Giving me a sense of direction amid the darkness that suddenly envelops me

I cringed at the memory, my eyes become minuscule with the blackout becomes a vision of a sedative.

Retail therapy does help. Working pants, a belt and a magazine lighten the heart and the wallet.

One way to put things into perspective is karma.

Karma of what I did to others and now, its back to haunt me. So maybe I deserved it.

I do have to respond with a haughty laugh though.

I really put in my all, my heart, my soul.

I was nice, I was affable, I was sincere.

But it all adds up to naught it seem.

Nevertheless. I may hear my critics laugh or my friends consoling.

That I cannot seem to feel. Because it is a dark hole I have fallen into.

An abyss that I hope to hit the bottom soon.

Then I will pick myself up at the base and climb out.

It's been a pretty long while since I got into touch with my emotional side and translating it into words.

As vague as all the text may seem, it is just an expression of my inner thoughts.

And yes, my mind can only resemble one thing. A vortex of failure and hope.

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