Friday, January 12, 2007



It still feels the same.

2006 has been a roller coaster year for me.

Ups and downs but I learn to live with what has past.

Bygones be bygones. Learn from the experience.

With newfound work in the later part of this year, I've been tired out like a forlorn zombie dragging my ass off to work.

Been clubbing, hanging around with friends and doing my own stuff.

Hardly blogging now.

I guess the interest has waned to a new low.

Less attention seeking and I'm more concentrated about doing stuff I feel like doing.

Blogging. Hmz, lesser of a passion now.

More photo taking though, as it is a picture of the past that will be forever be etched in a visual form, worthy of rememberance.

Here is the deluge of the last few weeks where I have been lagging in presence on the blogosphere.

Countdown to 2007 at Expo for Mambo Jumbo

Getting high on the stroke of midnight

Me n Clara

Me n Jason

Thomson prata army buddies

After Daren's performance - Arty Guys out in full force

Colleagues at Newton

Me, Shu Jun & Wei Yann

Me n Melvin

Me n Sally

Me n Elaine

More to come,

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