Saturday, May 21, 2005

Being Good

For this 3-days away from camp, I'm going to be a studious army boy.

I'm going to S T U D Y.

Just imagine vectors, angles, sin cosine & tangent placed in complex problem sums.

If I fail, I'll be slapped hard in the arse for 'failure to comply with standards'.

Going thru the lessons and revisions, it's very taxing on the brain day in day out hearing figures and formulas on the whiteboard from 9am to 9pm.

At the very least, I don't feel dumb anymore, as I see a larger picture of the role that I have to play if I'm placed admist the battlefield unlike the infantry which is a 'minor manouevre' force.

Lately too, I feel my life is a bore.

Look at my blog and all you can read is whinings about in-camp life.

I need some spice in my life.

I've thought of not procrastinating on my driving lessons and take up Japanese lessons for the minute possibility that I wanted to be a future air steward (you can stop laughing now).

Whatever possibilites there might be, there is an Aussie uni fair next week with my bunkmates and I think I'll be submitting a few applications to see where I'm granted admittance and I'll take my pick from there.

I'm counting down to October 1st. Commissioning parade.

Only then can I heave a sigh of relief of the ordeal that I placed myself into and look positively for the future ahead.

Studious and be-spectacled,

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