Saturday, November 06, 2004

Pilot results update

FYI, the application of me ever being a pilot is still being processed.

I went for the computerized test, quite confident I did pretty quick and well.

I went for the medical, gotta have a review a fortnight later, pending my hearing and dental.

So if you are a person who want to condemn me to ever fly an aeroplane much less a kite, just scream harshly into my ear, and I'll be permantly have hearing problems thus failing to listen to minute sounds.

My own self perception of the chances of being a pilot: 20%

The real possibility of me ever being a pilot: 0.1%

The possibility of me signing on if I advance through all the check-ups and interviews: 99.9%

I don't wish to put all my fruits in a basket.

I'm not DYING to be a pilot. The notion of having an opportunity to fly the skies no matter in a heli, f-16 or a transport plane is pretty chirpy for moi.

The alternative route is to stamp my trademark in the advertising industry.

Not that I will make much of a ripple anyway but climbing the corporate ladder will be an ardous task for the early few years.

Scraping dirt and paperwork with pathethic compensation, being a pilot sounds like an easier route with less shit to shovel.

Then again, there is always politics be it between flight engineers & pilots or account executives & directors.

There's always shit in the world when clumps of group of people are together.

On an interesting note, I think I mention somewhere early in my blog that I'm interested in anthropology.

I like to study people behaviours, what they think and do, how they backstab and use one another. The evil side of human beings.

Exploring it is a kind of inner calling for me, I don't know why. Maybe that is why I love to immerse myself in reality shows for the certain "extent" of reality they can provide.

Whether I become a pilot, pyschologist or an advertising asshole, I guess the only reality one can immerse themselves to truly fully experience the evil side of human beings is their jobs.

Being used, stepped upon and abused. Part and parcel of the working world as much as the media or our textbooks which to cover up and deny.

I just wanna get out of the army and face the shit. Because all the reward is the salary which can provide you sustainance and survival.

That's why we are here for.

Survival of the fittest.

Step up or be stepped upon.

That is why I'm aiming for a commanding school to be either a Sergeant or an officer. I hope to be either one because the only thing that I'm lacking is my arm strength to do chin ups.

I definently do not want to be a lackey for the rest of my life.

I want to be in control.


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