Sunday, September 14, 2003


Stop nagging me to do things !!!

It is a tiring day. A week perhaps. Had to sell my idea of conceptualisation of a ready-made sauce. We lost. I would be lying if i told you i was not dissapointed but i was brimming with confidence. I lost all of that there as I saw how my team fared.

Tired. I know it sounds like that im whining but I think this has been the most tiring week I ever had. I just want to sleep a thousand years before i wake up. Ever since i start blogging, i start to know of more people blogging too. You think of one thing and the domino effect happens. Plain weird.

I have school tommorrow, need to restart my gear to freshen myself for 5 days of torture. Ooh, the rack, but i enjoy mondays the most. Thats where all the fun is. Project day woohoo. My love of pain. Somebody spank me.

Im tired will blog soon.

I promise.
Or i'll procrastinate. See previous post. Go figure.

- Benjamin

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