Monday, December 26, 2005

Be Jolly

Tis' the season to get fat and jolly.

Been to too many eateries, maxed out my debit card and farted alot.

Been everywhere and anywhere.

Town is more like my 2nd home now.

Finding prezzies and roaming around town the last week was pleasant until the agony hits you that you have YET to BUY ANYTHING.


I love Christmas for the spirit of giving as it is an occasion where it's like a pre-CNY feeling but instead of Hong Baos, you get prezzies.

I don't really care about prezzies.


I just like the homely warmth of friends gathering and the bonding.

And for that, please prepare urself.....

I have over 40++ photos....

Photos galore....

My Christmas feast to my blog readers =)

Shu Fang's Wedding

Me n my happily married cozzie Shu Fang

Some nondescript place where the wedding was held

My Brother & I - we so don't share the same gene pool

Another happy couple, my sis-in-law, Pauline and mi bro, Mark

My closest maternal cozzie, or should I say, uncle, Maverick

Customary wine glass pyramid

Customary table shot

Random meet-ups

Some random day Tiffi n I met up to exchange long due Bday prezzies

And on one inconspicuous weekday, met up with the guys for coffee.

I declare myself a Coffee Club goer! Boo to Coffee Bean n Starbucks!

Me n androgynous Ryan

The Bluey Benjamins

Slurping Sticky Chewy Cheese

mimicking him a few days later

Fat Cultivation Central

Special roof lighting to zap your fats

Doing a "Before" fattening shot

Random envy photo of Ben's cute doggie.... I SO WANT A DOG FOR X'MAS

Christmas Eve - PolyMates
Had lunch @ Paragon - Spaggedies

I was fashionably late =P

I love pasta and I love penne. And it was cheap!

Gimme baked pasta anytime. I shall only stop when I'm 95kg.

Me, Tiffi n Eva

Clara, Ivan and looking-shrivelled Eric

For the gift exchange..... look what we turned out for a miserable $20 budget

Clara got Eric's prezzie of M&Ms Candyball machine

Ivan got Clara's pen

Eric got my lucky key chain plant

Eva got Tiffi's bath salts & eye mask

I got Eva's sweet honey bowl of sweets!

Tiffi got Ivan's Espirit towels

We then proceeded onto shopping to burn some fats and slug it out with last minute X'mas shoppers. And proceeded to taking photos along the way.

Shameless whores

Cute shameless whores

Cannot make it shameless whores

Family of shameless whores

Met up with bestie Jun Mian after we parted.

He's becoming more like King Kong, only w/o Naomi Watts

Went over to Elroy's place for X'mas.

Played mahjong and suprisingly lost. Damn sad. Bad tiles.

Oh well.

Elroy and moi

Sparky the labrador - Attitude dog that owns the house

Cam Whore Guo Quan

Shagged out after X'mas feast n Mahjong

Ben sucking the toot toot


Cocker Spaniels come in a close second =)

Humping the dog. I told ya I'm a dog lover.

On Christmas Night.....

I went over to the Airport.

Getting Hooked

Mommykins and Daddykins

Christmas guilt

Pseudo artistic shot of my rubix cube

All that said and done.

I just wanna wish everyone

And good tidings ahead

Working out at the gym,
Fat X'mas Bastard Benjamin

P.S. Updated my friends links!!!

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