And then there was March.
February passed by in a breeze for me.
I never expected the flurry of hectic events for me but yes, I bowled myself over unexpectedly.
As there was no more public holidays after the CNY haze, I thought it was going to be a period of lull.
I fooled myself into thinking that.
Turns out, February was like Speedy Gonzalez.
So many things to do, be it work, gym, dragon boat and other side activities like driving lessons.
Juggling all at one go isn’t that easy if I had to sandwich them together with my leisure activities like dating or catching a movie with friends.
But February was well panned out even though I was fatigued. Enjoyed every moment of it even though it has been taxing on my body with an average of 6 hours of sleep.
I try to catch some shut eye over the weekend when I can now but I’m holding up well.
And now it’s March.
I love the start of a month. It’s like New Year Day but without the fanfare.
I can make monthly resolutions that I can abide by that gives me the small shot of adrenaline if I do obey it.
Yes, I know it is a matter of time whether I break them but I choose to be resolute and let’s see how it keeps up.
I keep my weekdays and weekends fully packed and its kinda maniacal, sadistic but crazily enjoyable.
What’s instore for March I say? My university gal pal is coming over to Singapore, the CLEO event, the 125 km Bike Rally and MR 500. Not forgetting it will be packed with cardio runs as I need to prep for the duathlon coming up in April.
It has been a rather explosive start to the year.
If January was a lay-over of 2008 and if February was a sign of 2009 to things to come, my only hope is that I don’t burn myself out.
That said, I think 2009 is gonna be spectacular.
Work wise, I think I have grown more adept and wiser. And I am thankful I have a job amidst the economic gloom
I am taking things one step at a time but with dominoes already falling into place, it is hard to interfere but look up, smile and enjoy the sun.
On a similar note, I have taken Mark Twain’s words as sort of a guiding light for my next few years to come.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream Discover.”